Dezeen I 造作北京颐堤港店专访

Dezeen I 造作北京颐堤港店专访

既Wallpaper之后, 全球最具影响力的线上建筑和设计媒体Dezeen专文报道造作全球首店!

今年盛夏,造作受到了来自国内外媒体的关注,除了前几天提到的Wallpaper外,8月3日, 全球最具影响力的线上建筑和设计媒体Dezeen也就造作的首家实体店做出了详尽的报道。

Dezeen被英国权威媒体泰晤士报(The Times)评选为生活中不能缺少的50大网站, 开站至今9年仍稳坐全球最具影响力的线上建筑和设计媒体龙头宝座, 在新闻界得过的奖更是不胜枚举。Dezeen的成功某种程度反映了传统媒体的衰退,创办人Marcus Fairs认为,一般建筑和设计类杂志的影响力大多是区域性,反观Dezeen从20美金买下的博客出发,至今仍然是全世界建筑设计界的发声指标。


意大利设计师Luca Nichetto, 同时也是中国新创家具品牌-造作的创意总监, 日前为造作在北京设计了他们的第一间实体店。

Nichetto 以类似空白格纹纸的表现手法应用在造作实体展售店的空间设计上, 将300平方米的空间, 布满纯白格子以及方形柜架的纵横交错。

造作的产品代表了中国设计品牌的一项壮举, 他们尝试打造原创、高质量、但价格合理的设计师家具。日前在接受Dezeen的访问时, Nichetto曾表示他认为中国的设计品牌越发具有信心, 并认为他们很有可能在短期内就能够将这些设计产品出口到西方市场。

这间坐落在北京朝阳区颐堤港商场的造作实体店, 扬弃了传统大量使用场景化、群组化的家具展示方式, 改而利用一格格的展示柜将一个又一个设计单品给完整呈现出来。

根据品牌官方说法, 创意总监Luca Nichetto的设计意图便是要让用户的焦点锁定在每一个单品的精密细节上, 而非传统卖场的系列展示。透过这样的方式, 造作也试图鼓励用户能够发挥他们的创造力与想像力, 能够不受拘束地以自己的方式来搭配自己的家。

造作将此方式称为no display-也就是沒有陈列的陈列, 一件件的作品从地板排列到天花板, 透过透明的玻璃, 用户能够以多重角度好好地欣赏、检视每一件设计品。

和北京本地建筑团队DAMU一起, Nichetto在这些格子状的柜架上应用了模块化设计, 以便能够让陈列可以随意变化出多种不同的形态以适应各种空间、陈设的需求。

"这些由造作打造出来色彩饱满的产品将透过店内这个空白笔记本的概念来为中国设计写下新的历史" 造作官方在一次访谈中如此指出。

而为了避免因众多产品一次性的出现, 而让用户有不知所措的感觉, 店内的产品是依照不同的色块来进行排列, 像是最底层的冷色系、中层的暖色系還有最上层的中性色。

主动邀请Luca Nichetto来担任造作设计总监的舒为, 是中国本土的平面设计师与企业家, 而这个在去年九月的北京国际设计周首次亮相, 代表了设计与制造的品牌正是来自舒为之手。

而Nichetto在真正了解到在中国巨大经济规模下, 一个设计品牌将能够凭藉惊人的生产量而达到成本上的巨大优势后, 他越发融入了这个中国设计品牌-造作。而同时中国日益庞大的中产阶级也为这些设计产品创造了以往可能不存在的巨大市场。

"我开始觉得欧洲设计师与一个为中国消费者而生的中国品牌之间的结合是一件相当有意思的事, 特别是这个品牌所试图告诉用户的正是:仿冒与盗版已经不再是你们所需要的了。"


在2014年, Luca Nichetto 同时也成立了他自己的同名品牌-Nichetto,曾经设计过的产品包括具有超大头板的Dubois Bed, 以及一个叫做Blanche bergère的扶手椅。


Luca Nichetto designs first ZAOZUO showroom in Beijing based on grid paper

Italian designer Luca Nichetto has opened the first physical store for ZaoZuo, the Chinese startup furniture brand for which he is creative director. Nichetto designed the interiors for the Beijing ZaoZuo showroom to resemble a blank sheet of gridpaper. A latticework of white, square shelving crisscrosses the 300-square-metre space. ZaoZuo products represent one of the first forays by a Chinese design brand into creating original, high-quality but lost-cost designer furniture. In an interview with Dezeen, Nichetto said that Chinese design brands were growing in confidence and could soon be exporting products to the west. Located in the Indigo shopping centre in Beijing's Chaoyang district, the first ZaoZuo store uses the grid of shelves to showcase these products individually instead of styling them in groupings. "Rather than displays that lay out 'furniture sets' or combinations, Nichetto instead chose to focus on the detail of each and every product," said the brand in a statement. "The customer is inspired to create their own combinations and create a more individualised home space." The brand refers to this concept as "no display". Objects are arranged from floor to ceiling, creating opportunities for the customers to examine them from multiple angles. As well as the grid shelving, Nichetto created custom modules for the store that can be arranged in different ways. He worked with local architecture firm DAMU on the design. "The colour-rich products can begin to write the history of Chinese design within the setting of this 'blank notebook'," said ZaoZuo. To stop the number of products on display from overwhelming customers, the furniture is arranged into colour zones, with cool colours at lower levels, warm in the middle and neutrals at the top. ZaoZuo, which means "design and production," launched at Beijing Design Week last September. The brand is the brainchild of Chinese graphic designer and entrepreneur Shu Wei, who approached Nichetto to be her creative director. Nichetto got involved with ZaoZuo after seeing how the country's economies of scale could allow a company to manufacture design products at a high volume that would lower the cost. At the same time, a growing middle class was creating a market for these kinds of products that may not have existed previously. "I started thinking maybe it could be interesting to have European designers working for Chinese companies that only want to sell in China and also to educate the Chinese customers that a copycat is not what they need tohave," said Nichetto. "They can have local design pieces." The designer also has his own brand – called Nichetto – which launched in 2014. It includes furniture like the Dubois Bed, with its oversized wrap-around headboard, and the Blanchebergère armchair.




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